Questions & Answers

When exporting a mixdown, Studio One should tell us when exactly did a clip (saturation) occured

+24 votes
asked Apr 22, 2020 in Mixing by Annibale Hexe (4,720 points)
It would be nice when exporting a mixdown, if Studio One can tell us exactly when did a clip (saturation) occured if there is so.
For instance, i work with very long mixdowns (mixes, or movie audio). So if I export the mixdown, i'm not sitting in front of Studio One to see if there's a problem and when there's a problem. If it tells me "at 15:04 the mixdown saturated" for example, it would be extremely helpful.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 9, 2020 by patrickhuitema (2,510 points)

Agree, also include the tracks, so a log file or large window is more helpful than the simple line. With 50 tracks exporting (as stems)  after checking each track manually on clipping if very frustrated that Studio one is not able to tell where it happens:

Not helpful info: What files are incorrect, can I just export the clipping tracks?

Clipping has occurred:

Timestamp, track number, track name, DB over.

Timestamp, track number, track name, DB over.

Timestamp, track number, track name, DB over.
