Questions & Answers

Help, My Reamping Situation Won't Work

0 votes
asked Feb 27, 2020 in Studio One 4 by brentmolea (170 points)
reopened Feb 27, 2020 by AlexTinsley

Hello, I asked a question and have yet to receive any answers about my reamping issues. I have recently switched over from Reaper and couldn't get it to work over there either. I am EXTREMELY new to recording audio, especially something more complex than simply "plug thing into another thing" I have tried scouring through google and youtube and haven't had any luck 

Here is my Chain

Apollo USB Apollo Twin (Line out 3) > Into a Radial JCR reamp box (into Balanced input via 1/4 inch/XLR cable) > Then into my Peavey 6505+ (from signal out into front of amp) > Into Two Notes Torpedo Live (into the speaker input) > Then Back into Apollo (Mic line 1 from the line out of Two Notes via 1/4 inch/XLR cable)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 27, 2020 by lawrencefarr (221,490 points)
Best answer
You're currently using Studio One 4 Prime which is limited to two I/O.  

Please activate the Studio One 4 Professional demo where you can use the Pipeline plugin to send and return audio to and from outboard hardware and you'll have enough I/O there to accomplish that.