Questions & Answers

Why wont my volume automation save after leaving the project?

–1 vote
asked Mar 7, 2020 in Studio One 4 by carlosmillar (120 points)
I have been working on a remix for a university project, but every time i take the time to sort out the basic levels (only using each track envelope to get a basic balance at the moment) and save the project, I come back and my changes to the song itself save but the volume faders keep reverting back to their previous setting, this is not because there are stamped points on the automation line, i have left them all flat and will do so until the arrangement is complete, this seems to be an issue specific to saving each tracks volume settings, the only way i have been able to keep them is to "Save As"  we all know that creating songs takes a lot of disk space Plus i already have to keep multiple backups as evidence of progression, I CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE ALL 20 - 30GB OF DATA EVERY TIME I MAKE A SMALL CHANGE. I have a lot more to do than just one project, I DO NOT HAVE LONG LEFT TO GET THIS DONE, how do i fix this.

i'm am sorry to say that if I am to fail and therefore have to repeat my college year due to the impracticalities i have found with this D.A.W, I MUST be demanding refunds, I am not taking on another £6000 debt in tuition fee plus £9000 maintenance loan,