Questions & Answers

Quantum Output Channel Assignments?

0 votes
asked Mar 16, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by chrisburbul (360 points)
edited Mar 18, 2020 by chrisburbul

Trying to figure out what the output channels are assigned to. Why there is no documentation for this is beyond me.

Here is what I have and what I need?


11/12 - Headphones 1

13/14 - Headphones 2

Main outs -?????

SPDIF OUT - ???????

ADAT out 1 - ?????

ADAT out 2 - ?????

Thanks for any input that you can offer.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 18, 2020 by chrisburbul (360 points)
Nobody has this basic info?
+1 vote
answered Feb 26, 2021 by lilguitar (170 points)
Kind of frustrating that no one answered this, perhaps because it can only be done from inside your DAW and accessing it will be different for everyone, but still...

I am using Logic Pro 10.6.1 and have the Quantum selected as both my input and output in the Logic Pro->Preferences->Audio... then Devices tab.  **If you have anything else selected as output (ie USB Audio CODEC, Built-In Output, etc) then you won't be able see the following information - Quantum MUST be set as your output device**  

Next navigate to the Mix drop down menu and select I/O Labels, there you should see all the default assignments (procedures vary on how to get to this information depending on your DAW, but each should allow you to see/change these) :

Output 1 - Main Out L

Output 2 - Main Out R

Output 3 - Line Out 1




Output 10 - Line Out 8

Output 11/12 - Headphones 1 L/R

Output 13/14 - Headphones 2 L/R

Output 15 - SPDIF Out 1

Output 16 - SPDIF Out 2

Output 17 - ADAT Out 1




Output 32 - ADAT Out 16

Hope that helps.
0 votes
answered Feb 27, 2021 by chrisburbul (360 points)
Lilguitar: Thanks!