Questions & Answers

Studio 192 universal control loses mix scenes and presets.

+2 votes
asked Mar 20, 2020 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by jjguitarist (230 points)
It seems like every time my pc updates or universal control updates I lose all of my saved mix scenes and user presets. My band uses my setup for rehearsal so I have scenes and presets for that as well as different session  scenarios. This is a very convenient feature but really throws a wrench in things when you think you are ready to jump into a session or rehearsal only to find that you have to waste a bunch of time getting all of the settings back!

Is it possible to manually retrieve these? Also what can I do to prevent this from happening?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2020 by eallen4 (330 points)
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer; only the same question posed by jjguitarist.

I believe when UC software updated in my Studio 192 all the mix scenes were lost.

This is not an acceptable situation as it deletes users work without advising them before hand or providing any options to avoid it.

If the Studio 192 implementation has a means for backing up mix scenes, or restoring them post-update, I haven't found it.

If this is how UC is intended to work then surely many others have been affected by this problem.
0 votes
answered Jul 18, 2021 by donnieb (230 points)
Unfortunately I have a similar problem. I tried to update my Universal Control (after the software prompted me to upgrade), and I already had Studio One open. So, the Universal Control couldn't finish the update, I had to abort, and then I could not get it to work until I uninstalled and then reinstalled the UC software. Now all of my mix presets are gone.  Such a waste of time. I'd love to know if there is a way to avoid this situation in the future.


0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2022 by joehamilton1 (180 points)
I had the same issue on my Mac and I found the source of the settings \\library\application support\presonus and you should see the interface you are using and copy those settings to another source for backing up purposes