Questions & Answers

Universal Control with Studio 192

0 votes
asked Aug 14, 2020 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by tenic (150 points)
When I first boot the computer I get a weird sound from the instrument I have plugged into the Studio 192 interface. It a detuning sound like a course effect. The cure for this is to open Universal Control, open the Studio 192, and set the sample rate to anything other than 44.1 kHz then set it back to 44.1. This fixes it until I reboot, or sometimes it reoccurs on it's own.

I opened a ticket on this and Presonus had me send a detailed computer file, and they had me update all my Windows 10 software, deep uninstall Universal Control, update the firmware, reinstall Universal Control, etc... which I did, following their recommendations to the letter. The problem is still there.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and what I do to fix it permanently?


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 14, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
At first glance, open up the Scene menu and load Studio 192 Factory Default to clear any mix scenes that may be loaded that might be causing this. Other than that, there may be a loopback that's causing this.

Taking a look at your support ticket, this is not something that can be solved in the community support area.

Please log a follow up ticket and include either a picture and/or a drawing / diagram of everything that is wired into and out of your Studio 192. We can then take a look in more detail to see what may be causing this.
0 votes
answered Feb 5, 2021 by johnboyles (350 points)
Just following up on this question - has this been resolved?  If so, can you share the details?

I'm having exactly the same issue with my Studio192.  It's very annoying - seems like a bug in the software.