Questions & Answers

Is there always no latency possible on Mac OSX 10.11. with Audio Box 18.18 vsl ?

0 votes
asked Feb 6, 2016 in Studio One 3 by yveshaesler (160 points)
Is there always "no or zero  latency" possible on Mac OSX 10.11. with Audio Box 18.18 vsl ?

Il would like to buy an AB 18.18 vsl. Il read a lot of  coms about the compatibility with El Capitan and I would like to know how you manage the Z latency. I read that there is no more Z knob on Studio One. Could You have a new possibility to reduce the delay or you just reduce the blocks in the preferences.

Many thanks for the support.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
selected May 5, 2016 by mattcaprio
Best answer
The Z latency "Q mix" option will not be available with OSX 10.11 and an 1818 VSL.

Please see this link for more info: