Questions & Answers

I do not have VST plug-ins in my location in my options. Why ?

–1 vote
asked Feb 7, 2016 in Studio One 3 by edwardgutierrez (110 points)
I have an HP 15 notebook PC I downloaded studio one 3 artist OEM along when I bought yeti studio which came with a serial n number also came with I paid $150 for it so I'm pretty sure I bought.

But somehow  I still don't have VST plug-ins on my locations on my options folder  how can I get that or what have I done wrong ?.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 7, 2016 by IceCube (920 points)
You must post questions regarding Studio One in the Studio One category and not in the Feature Request which is a place to request new features to be implemented in Studio One. Anyway as far as I know, Studio One Artist as it is, does NOT include VST effects functionality, it is only available as a further (I presume paid) add-on or by upgrading to Studio One Professional.

