Questions & Answers

All I want to do is record myself singing melody & harmony on same song, then put together--for fun & I am a beginner.

0 votes
asked Mar 26, 2020 in AudioBox USB by ginacecil (150 points)

I have already watched  YouTube videos on line, read manuals, and I am tired of wasting time.  All I need is a simple set of notes walking me through how AudioBox Usb 96 needs to be set up with my HP Compaq dc7900 Ultra-Slim Desktop, Microsoft Windows 10 Home,  I am a hip, 52 year old guitar & piano playing glamma (glamourous grandma, according to a friend smiley).  I go to a small church with a very small worship team.  I sometimes sing with the lead singer doing harmony/backup--just the two of us with keyboards, drum, acoustic guitar, and bass.  I want to have fun with this while sheltering in place, but my due diligence trying to figure this out is DONE!  Please help me figure this out!  TYIA!!!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2020 by johnnygeib2 (14,880 points)
Best answer

Maybe this will help.

+1 vote
answered Mar 30, 2020 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)

While I do not have your specific device or computer set up, there are a few things I need to check that you have, and have installed.

1) Have you registered your copy of Studio One, and also registered the Audiobox USB 96 in your mypresonus account? This is the place to start before you get started in Studio One. If you have done those, then you're ready to do the next part.

2) Make sure the Audiobox is plugged in to a USB port on your computer. Now, back in your mypresonus account, under your registered hardware products, you should see your Audiobox. click on that and in the downloads section, you should find software called Universal Control. You'll need that to enable your computer and Audiobox to best talk to each other. Download and install it.

3) Launch Studio One. On the start page, your Audiobox should show up in the centre section of the page. click on audio device set up and make sure you have the inputs and outputs set up ready for recording and playback. Once you have that set up, go to the create new song button. enter the title for the song and set the tempo in the dialog box that pops up. Click OK.

4) Make sure your mic is plugged in to the Input 1 of the Audiobox on the front. If you are using a condenser mic, press the V48 button. If not, leave it switched off. Press T on your computer keyboard to create an audio track. Give the track a name like "Mic". Now, on the track that now appears, click the record button and the little speaker button next to it. Now turn up the input 1 volume knob on the interface until you see the meter bounce when you talk into the mic. You are now ready to record.

For more help, please watch this video series recorded using an older version of Studio One, but all the principles are still the same today. I hope it helps you:

Please do reply if you have any issues.