Questions & Answers

Send Level Window

+4 votes
asked Apr 2, 2020 in Mixing by maxhndel (380 points)
retagged Apr 2, 2020 by maxhndel

Hey guys,

It would be nice to have a send level window, that shows when you click on the sends in the console. By now it's always a pain in the a** to set send levels with the small bar in the console. Also it would be nice to be able to collapse the sends in the console, like you can do it with the inserts. Made a little pic that shows what kind of interface I'm imagining:

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 17, 2022 by matheusantunes3 (890 points)
Yes!! Absolutely!
And also with the option to toggle follow main pan and selecting pre- / post-fader!
Great representation you made there! I believe it would be great not to have a big window around the floating fader