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Drag and drop to send section from existing FX/Bus, creates send to existing FX/Bus

+9 votes
asked Apr 6, 2016 in Mixing by niles (54,670 points)
recategorized Apr 20, 2018 by niles

Currently when you drag an insert from an existing FX or Bus channel to the send section of a channel, a new Bus or FX channels is created. That's nice. 

However I would like to request a feature where it's possible (with a modifier) to drag and drop an existing insert residing on a Bus or FX channel to a send section of a channel to make a send connection to the channel that is dropped from. 

So when I drag Insert Y from FX channel Y to the send section of channel X, a send is created on channel X to channel Y.

Basically how it's possible from send section to send section.

Like this mockup (non existing behavior):

Additionally it would be sweet if you could drag the send to multiple selected channels at once to create sends on all those channels to the channel that is dragged from.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 10, 2016 by MarkyGoldstein (6,940 points)
Yeah, faster creation of Sends, with less clicks.

And more was to achieve things.