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Studio One 4 lag

0 votes
asked Apr 7, 2020 in Studio One 4 by timwordsmith (160 points)
edited Apr 8, 2020 by timwordsmith
So I just put a new SSD in my laptop and installed Studio One 4 (haven't used since Studio One 2. something) but I cannot get the lag to stop, and this is just with an WAV instrumental... No other tracks, recordings, or even FX. No matter my block size, buffer, etc it doesn't change whatsoever. I haven't bought a product key yet as it's the Prime version and I wanted to check before I bought, and my old software had no issues. To test if it was a software issue, I installed the demo for Reaper which I've used in the past and as soon as I connected my interface I was able to record no lag. It's not my laptop and it's not my interface. Is this just a Studio One 4 problem or am I missing something?  I've used this setup in the past on older Studio One software. Is there any help I can get?

Edit: I also checked my performance meter in the bottom left of the DAW and it's using little to no CPU power.. Also, if I change the tempo in the DAW I can manage to get it right. So, does this DAW only operate at the BPM of the track? I do hip-hop and 140 had the beat playback normal. It wasn't choppy or no latency on the instrumental itself. I've yet to record a vocal track to see how it responds so I guess I'll update when I do so.

Guess I'm gonna get no help? Do fellow musicians not care that someone is having problems with their products. Talk about customer service or helping a fellow human... Guess I won't be getting the product key, I'm not gonna waste money I can't get back on a broken software.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 10, 2020 by Bbd (14,370 points)
I just saw your post. Have no idea what your specs are or your audio interface. Maybe your Device Block Size is set too high?

Have no idea with what you posted.

The BPM of the track can change the audio timing if your audio Tempo/Timestretch is allow it to.
0 votes
answered Apr 10, 2020 by timwordsmith (160 points)
First off sorry for the strong aggressive approach was just irritated that I couldn't get it to work along with everything going on. So I apologize. Secondly, my laptop is a Windows 10 Dell 3.0 i7  w 8 gb ram (plan to upgrade soon) and interface I'm using now is the Scarlett Solo (2nd Gen I believe).

As for the actual response. I got it figured out. The "stretch audio to tempo" was checked in song setup (which I wasn't paying attention to in all honesty) so when I unchecked the box the imported track played back on time. As for the L&R... Apparently with the Focusrite Solo I can't record stereo (tho I always record mono) and it come back as stereo and not mono? Maybe I have to setup the interface inputs in the setup settings?

Another issue I did run into was in song setup (I usually start fresh) was if I used a preset like (vocal + playback) for instance, no matter if the "stretch audio to tempo" is checked or not, it still lags. I play the imported beat and it plays back like I slowed the tempo when I didn't. The meter on bottom left seemed to be fine had maybe a 16th or so used and when I clicked on it, the plugins that were in use were using little to no cpu so my laptop should handle it, according to it's specs. Maybe I can get some help on that? I can do the packing folders and automations FX/buses myself but it's kinda nice to have it all ready ya know..

And lastly. I'm planning to expand my abilities mixing wise, I know how basic automating works but I do have a serious question. So say I want a delay automated to fill in spaces or add more to the track, how do I make it repeat the same section I automated? If I were to expand the automation it would repeat what's next. I'm not sure I'm explaining this too well.. But for the most part I want one echo, but some parts I want 2 or 3. What's the best way to automate that with beat delay plugin?