Questions & Answers

Linux version of Universal Control software please.

+13 votes
asked Apr 8, 2020 in FaderPort 2018 by steveerdeman (220 points)
Faderport series units are growing in use in the pro audio Linux community. We have no way to update firmware, and whatever else one is able to do with the Universal Control software. Please consider supporting the Linux audio community. At least in regards to device driver/config software.
Thank you so much.

2 Answers

+6 votes
answered Sep 8, 2020 by jean-baptistenavarro (270 points)
Hi, same issue. I would really like to use my 1824c without having to start it with a second pc aside on windows, and then run Bitwig studio on Ubuntu studio and shut down windows for the day...
0 votes
answered May 15 by MaximIvanov7775 (140 points)
It really sucks to not have it at least run with wine, since there is no way to mute the instrument channels without using the universal control app, so you hear your instrument twice