Questions & Answers

How do I fix my Studiolive 16.4.2 not being recognized in Universal Control on the latest version of Windows 10?

0 votes
asked Nov 20, 2021 in Classic Mixers by markmelanson1 (150 points)
This is done by using a Firewire 400 to 800 adapter, then Firewire 800 to thunderbolt, then thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3(USB C) adapter.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,440 points)
selected Jan 4, 2022 by mackjohnson1
Best answer

Double check that your port is Thunderbolt 3 and not just USB-C. It'll have a little lightning bolt next to the port.

If it IS thunderbolt there could be some thing blocking communication. Create a support ticket, they should be able to help you out.
