Questions & Answers

Can´t see Vienna Ensemble pro in Notion 6

0 votes
asked Apr 11, 2020 in Notion by peturgudlaugsson (120 points)


My name is Petur I am 65 yers old music lover and live in Iceland. 

My computer has:

Windows 10

AMD Ryze 9 3900x ,

32 GB RAM,

AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT GPU

1TB TeamGroup MS30 M.2 SATA SSD

and several Hard drives (up to 20 TB).

I have studied music for a long time and prefere writing music "the old way" but I also have Studio one 4 and Vienna Ensemble pops up there.

Working with Notion 6 have been great fun and I have had no problem activating other VST but not Vienna Ensemble Pro. Please can you help the old man?


Kind regards

Petur Johannes Gudlaugsson

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 3, 2022 by davidsilberman (140 points)
I too am not able to get Vienna Ensemble or Synchron Player to show up in the plugins list, even when I go to the folder where it should be. I would like to see an answer to this problem.
