Questions & Answers

No custom vst support with Studio one Artist?

–1 vote
asked Apr 12, 2020 in Studio One 4 by amitflashner (160 points)
edited Apr 12, 2020 by amitflashner
I recently purchased Studio 1810c and trying to learn Studio one that comes bundled with it.

I am not able to use my custom plugins with it, which makes much less usable for my uses.

Is running custom plug-ins limited with Artist? As a comparison, Abelton Lite doesn't have this limitation.

I see that other plugins that are part of the package are running fine. What is the reason other plugins do not run? Technology wise, isn't it the similar to run custom plug-ins once the software is capable of running any plug-in?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 13, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)

If you wish to use VST/AU fx and instruments with the artist edition then you need to purchase the Artist Booster pack or the VST/AU addition.