Questions & Answers

please update studio one remote for android 9 (pie)

0 votes
asked Apr 13, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by richardrupert (1,480 points)

I just bought two Android tablets with the intention of using them for remote control of Studio One (with the Studio One Remote app)... and also to adjust cue mix levels remotely. Sadly, I now find that the tablets are running an operating system version (9 --- Pie) that is newer than is supported by the PreSonus software. Could you please update the apps? The concept is great, but not being able to use a new tablet is distressing.

7 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Try updating your devices.  I use Android version 9 on 2 devices and Android 5.1.1 on a third device.  All three devices are capable of running both the UC Surface App and the Studio one remote control app.  My devices work o.o.t.b..  What tablets are you using?
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answered Apr 15, 2020 by richardrupert (1,480 points)
I don't know how to answer aka_busker's question unless this is the correct way... hopefully so.

The tablets don't have a brand name on them, but the model is TS-704A. android 9.0, Baseband version MOLY..WR8.W1315.V51,2019/01/10 20:15   A GB Ram  128 GB internal storage 10 Core 2.5G CPU2560X1600IPS resolution 3.4.67 Kernel version    Build number ALPS.KK1.MP1.V2.36  Custom build version ZL10V2.0G_0_yitexing_9365D_QC_31PIN_DH_V1.0_20191205

That's probably overkill, but all I can find about the devices. Thanks for replying. I assume when you say "try updating your devices", you mean the OS? Or the firmware? Or... ? Sorry... I'm really out of my league here. :(

Thank you for replying.
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answered Apr 17, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  To clarify, go to the settings on your tablet.  Look for an option called "software version".  There should be an update option there.   Do you have a Lenovo tablets?  The model number when googled didn't provide me much.  I.e. the search return listed USA internal flights.  But I did see a firmware for a lenovo device when I tried to be more accurate.  But to absolutely clarify - your tablets might need an os/software update to get it to the most recent version.  
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answered Apr 17, 2020 by richardrupert (1,480 points)
@aka_busker... Thank you again for clarifying. Unfortunately there is no "Software Version" or similar option in the settings.. only "About Tablet" has any information regarding the device (and I listed everything from that page in my first reply to you). There is NO branding anywhere to be found on the device. And believe me, I've selected every option in the settings in case it's hidden. So I doubt these are Lenovo tablets, as I would assume there would be branding on them. I too tried to Google the model number with no useful result.

This is frustrating, and I appreciate your effort to help. It's beginning to appear like I can't use these as I had intended. Thank you again for your time.
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answered Apr 22, 2020 by richardrupert (1,480 points)
After much help from Brian in Tech Support, we finally determined that my tablets are 32 bit, and the Studio One Remote software works only on 64 tablets. That is NOT listed in the "Tech Specs" on the Studio One Remote download page, and I bought the tablets never considering it. So... it would appear that I'm SOL unless PreSonus Development would release a 32 bit version for Pie. I'll request that.
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answered May 9, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hey man.  I doubt there will be a 32 bit version built.  Pretty much everything is going 64 bit these days.
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answered May 9, 2020 by richardrupert (1,480 points)
I understand that, and you are most likely correct. But it's interesting that this tablet is brand new, and comes with the latest Android operating system, and is 32 bit. PreSonus makes a 32 bit version of the remote for Windows... why not Android?