Questions & Answers

StudioLive 24:4:2 not recognised by Capture OSX Mojave 10:14:6

0 votes
asked Apr 18, 2020 in Classic Mixers by benplunkett (190 points)


I purchased a classic StudioLive 24:4:2 last year. I had it working nicely with a 2018 Mac Book Pro running Mojave and Capture 3, I also was able to run each mixer channel into separate channels in Logic Pro. It is connected using a Firewire Cable > Firewire to Thunderbolt 2 connector > Thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3 connector. 

I have recently purchased a new 2018 Macbook Pro (same spec as my previous one), however I cannot get capture to recognise the mixer at all. I have tried installing each and every version of Capture available to download. 

Would anyone happen to have had a similar experience and be able to assist, I'm at a complete loss as to what to do and fear the mixer is not longer of use as a recording interface? 

Any advise would be much appreciated. 




  • Mac Book Pro (Mid 2018) 
  • OSX Mojave (10.14.6)
  • Capture 3, Capture 2
  • StudioLive 24:4:2 (Firmware 1 : Build 195)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 21, 2020 by benplunkett (190 points)
Best answer

Hi @jeffersonpentecostal 

After much uninstalling, installing, restarting, uninstalling, restarting, installing, restarting etc, I finally got it to work as it had done previously. Presonus Support did send me these links, after I had resolved the issue. perhaps they will be useful to someone else with the same issue. 

Answers Article:


Either way I have no idea why it took so many attempts to resolve it, but I relieved that it's now working. All is not lost for those legacy product owners. 

I wont be upgrading to Catalina any time soon though. 



0 votes
answered Apr 21, 2020 by jeffersonpentecostal (230 points)
Why won't PreSonus or anyone else answer this question?