Questions & Answers

Does the Audiobox iTwo only work this presonus apps?

0 votes
asked Apr 20, 2020 in AudioBox i-Series by annamoellenhoff (150 points)
I'm trying to record a group project and I only have this interface but none of it is showing up as an available device to record it on. I just need to know now before I have to buy a different interface..

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 17, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer
The AudioBox iTwo can be used with any audio application.

Keep in mind thought that on Mac OS X it will show up as an AudioBox iTwo.

However on Windows you must install the Universal Control software to get the device driver for low latency audio. This driver will help the iTwo to be recognized in different DAWs. If you don't install Universal Control (available from the download page), the AudioBox i-Two will show up as a 'Windows Audio' Device in other applications.