Questions & Answers

Quantum 2626 won't power on

0 votes
asked Apr 27, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by brentchaisson (1,290 points)
Hi all,

Received a brand new 2626, connected all the apple adapters and it won't power on. Not getting any LED lights on the front. Power source seems to be functioning. Thunderbolt ports on my iMac are good as well. Universal Control is all up to date and I'm running OSX 10.14.6 mojave.

I've waited for this unit for 2.5 months and kinda bummed it won't turn on. Any help is appreciated!

5 Answers

0 votes
answered May 1, 2020 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
There is a power switch on the back side of the unit. Make sure it's pushed in.
0 votes
answered May 8, 2020 by jordanruday (180 points)
seems like mine won't either I've installed all software. when I plug in and turn on should I see led lights? because I see none
0 votes
answered May 8, 2020 by jordanruday (180 points)
I was just messing with the power input and it turned on for a second. seems like my power input on the interface is the issue. could be the same with yours
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by kirkeeb (440 points)
I experienced the same thing. You have to push and turn the barrel so it locks in place.
0 votes
answered Aug 26, 2022 by larrycouch3 (150 points)
I just about sent another Quantum 2626 unit back to Sweetwater because it wouldn't turn on. Then I found this post. Yep, you gotta plug it in and turn to lock. Wish they would indicate this somewhere. I've never experienced one of these type of power supply plugs.