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Notion 6 at 96 kHz support please.

+4 votes
asked May 8, 2020 in Notion Feature Requests by franoismeilleur (1,180 points)
The entire studio is setup to run and record at 96 kHz, we've started to use notion 6 during recording to help artist finish/re-arrange songs but when we play back the arrangements in Notion 6 it sounds an octave higher because of the sample rate adjustment.

It now means we need an additional computer (mouse/keyboard) just to use notion without changing the studio sample rate...

To remain polite, I'll only say that it's annoying but stronger words are going through our minds....

We have some other musicians who came by with guitar pro and we didn't have this issue... We though Notion was superior in all aspect...

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2023 by jonathangalland4 (680 points)
Agreed! I use Notion with Kontakt libraries, all capable of outputting 96 kHz. It would be nice to export stems from Notion at 96k, providing more control in post. I feel that ever since Notion was acquired by Presonus, it's being forgotten. The rare updates we get now are very minimal, and the program is no longer competitive in the industry.