Questions & Answers

How can I connect my Korg Minilogue to run through my mixer?

0 votes
asked May 14, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by kevindoede (150 points)

I've searched for hours and cannot find an answer here. My question is I have a Korg minilogue and the Studio Live III 16R Mixer. I have searched the owners manual and connected the output from the minilogue with a single cable into a TRS/XLR combo input on the SL III mixer and get no output. I'm fairly new to this but have been able to get most external devices working through the mixer. I was told by Sales Rep. that this would work but haven't had any luck. I hope I'm not wasting any ones time with this but have searched the i-net for hours and haven't found answer. I really appreciate taking the time to answer.

Thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 28, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,480 points)
Best answer
When you make the connection please ensure the channel is set to analog for its input. If the issue remains, please log a support ticket.