Questions & Answers

How do I run a lavalier mic to my rm16ai through my mac?

0 votes
asked Jan 31, 2017 in Ai Mixers by kliffdog (340 points)
We are using a lavalier mic for vocals on some video lessons that we are doing. The lavalier mic requires a preamp which any computer supplies by plugging directly into it. I want to run the mic sound to my RM16AI via a network input. I have set up a channel as a network input and changed settings on my mac to send the output to my RM16AI. I can play a song from iTunes and I get the sound in UC surface. So, I know it is all set up correctly. However, I plug the mic into the computer and have sound at the computer but it will not go to the mixer. What am I missing?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
Universal Control is for and will control "only" audio I/O for the RM16.

The Lavalier mic you have connected to your computer "built in" mic input is using your Mac's built in audio hardware, not the RM16.

2 different audio processing and hardware.

You can create an Aggregate Device that might allow you to use the I/O of both the Lavalier mic and the RM16 within a DAW software, but "not" in Universal Control.  

Again, Universal Control is exclusive to the RM16.

A better solution is to use a better mic that you can connect directly to the RM16.