Questions & Answers

Any movement or update on how to power down the ATOM controller

+6 votes
asked May 17, 2020 in Atom Pad Controllers by ronaldszuchy (280 points)
I have been working with my Atom for a couple days and was wondering if Presonus made any movement on fixing this issue because I don't believe it is wise to unplug it because over time the connection will surely begin to fail.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 21, 2020 by nicograssmann (290 points)

No way to turn off the LEDs at the Atom? 
I use several MIDI controllers and all of them switch off the lights when not in use in the DAW or at the latest when the Mac is in sleep mode. The Atom glows very brightly and this is annoying. 
If this should not work, I hope for a software update for it soon - is this in planning? 
Stay healthy and best regards 

0 votes
answered Jun 2, 2020 by wjoyce (590 points)


I have a few devices that need powering down every evening because of the bright lights, so I bought a switched USB hub from Amazon which does the trick perfectly without having to dis/reconnect the cables every time and wearing out the sockets.


