Questions & Answers

We can detach the mixer, but can we make it an actual separate window?

+15 votes
asked May 20, 2020 in Look and Feel by georgetsurkan (290 points)
Hey guys!!! So I recently switched over from Logic X, and really loving Studio One. One thing I noticed since I work on an iMac, in Logic I was able to pull up a totally separate mixer window that I was able to minimize-maximize-full screen it, etc... I enjoy working in a full scree view. It would be nice to have the mixer not just detach... but actually get it’s own separate window. Thanks!

7 Answers

0 votes
answered May 21, 2020 by jaywelter (580 points)
I can't imagine that could be a default, in case a user is working with only one monitor - where would the mixer window appear, besides right over the main window/timeline?  It could be a user-configurable setting, possibly " [  ] Open Mixer in Monitor (2, 3...) ".  I pop mine out, move it to other display, and maximize it.  That setting is saved with that song and whenever I come back into that song, the mixer opens in that monitor (#2, in my case, I have four; one for main window/timeline, one for mixer, one for the track/part editor and one for effects and instruments.
0 votes
answered May 22, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
Yes you can. Click the arrow above I/O at the top left of the mixer window.

The other answer is talking about making it default, which I don't think you asked for.
0 votes
answered May 24, 2020 by jasonwilmans (1,510 points)

There's a button for that in the top left of the mixer view.

EDIT: noticed you mean actually separate. No I believe that isn't possible atm.

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by LHandley (3,490 points)

Your question lacked an important detail: are you using multiple monitors and wanting to have a full-screen mixer on a different monitor from the Edit/Arranger window? If that's what you're asking, you can certainly do that. This is the way I always work in S1. As in the pic in jasonwilmans' answer below, click the 'Detach' button. This makes the mixer a separate window. You can then drag it to your second monitor and maximize it. If you create a template with that arrangement, it would effectively be the default, at least for any song you base on that template. You could also maximize it on the one screen if you only have one, but you'll be switching between them a lot.

My apologies if this isn't what you were asking

+4 votes
answered Jul 20, 2020 by alanmendelevich (1,580 points)

This is a very good request and the issue is the same on Windows 10 as well. Most commenters here don't realize that the detached mixer window is not actually a "window" in the operating system sense. The whole Studio One is just one window as far as the OS is concerned. My workflow in Reason was/is to place the sequencer and mixer on separate virtual desktops so I can quickly switch between them on a keyboard (ctrl+win+left/right on Windows, ctrl+left/right on a Mac). Here's how it works with Reason (and as I understand from OP in Logic as well). You can't do this in S1 at the moment which is a shame.

+2 votes
answered Jul 20, 2020 by simoncarlstedt (1,830 points)
This is actually a big deal in my mind. Seperating the window so that Windows/macOS recognizes it as a seperate window will enable me to speed up my workflow by snapping it to different places on my screen. Awesome if you use PowerTools for Windows.
+1 vote
answered Jun 21, 2023 by jameswarren7 (220 points)
I'm sorry for resurrecting a 3 year old thread, but I thought this was worth it.  

I ran into the exact issue as the original poster. It's still not possible to move the mixer to a virtual desktop, because it's not a separate application, as far as the OS is concerned.  Then I realized that Presonus already offers something that's the perfect workaround, Studio One Remote.

Studio One Remote works over your network, but surprisingly, also works locally.  Works on MacOS and Windows.  Launch Studio One, load your project, then in the virtual desktop, launch Studio One Remote, your local session will appear, just click it and load the mixer.  The Remote app is pretty lightweight, so there's really no performance penalty running it this way.

Just thought I'd share.