Questions & Answers

Auto Sampler for Studio One

+19 votes
asked May 22, 2020 in Recording by jw31 (2,170 points)
Now that Logic 10.5 has made an auto sampling function that works great, it'd be great for Studio One to do the same and even better.

I know with my old hardware there's a lot of stuff I'd like to sample and be able to take on the road for me, but it's a needlessly laborious note by note process. With a DAW that can play all the notes, at all the desired velocities, and with different CC settings easily controlled by hand or automation, a scripted auto sampler to record all the wav files however deep or not would work handily.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Aug 9, 2020 by stefbruinsma (300 points)
I just moved from Apple to PC and moved to Studio One v5, love the program. It's so much ahead of logic but except one thing i do miss... The auto sampler is amazing in logic.. i got to mess with it for a little bit and i must say it's brilliant.. i get to design 6 layer basses for trap/EDm music  and it samples it , i can recall it any time..  I was looking on the internet all over the place..  There is a program called Samplerobot  and Soundlib Samplit 2 . I havent messed wit it yet. But i wish Studio One 5 adds something like that in the future also.
+2 votes
answered Oct 14, 2022 by stefbruinsma (300 points)
Studio One 6 and still no Auto Sampler.  I work with both Daw's on a daily but i do miss Autosampler also.  I have so much layered sounds collected and its handy to recall it without pulling out all the synths back. I think it has to do with the creators of the Daw. They simply don't care. Samplerobot is the best option for Studio One is my guess.