Questions & Answers

How Do I Find These Compressor Settings?

0 votes
asked May 26, 2020 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by highmarcs (330 points)
edited May 26, 2020 by highmarcs
I'm having a hard time setting the compressor on my Presonus Studio Channel?  There are no numbers on the Attack and Release knobs.  How do I dial in certain numbers?  For example, in the Studio Channel manual, there is a chart of suggested compressor settings for different tasks.

They say things like... set the Attack to 0.002ms and set the Realease to 38ms.  Every other compressor tutorial instructs you in a similar way.

However, how do I know where those numbers are on the Studio Channel dials?  How do I find those numbers?  All it says is Fast/Slow at the extremes of the knobs.  There is no information that even hints at the numerical value of the rest of the lines circling the knob.

I'm so confused.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 27, 2020 by florianfreimann (5,030 points)


in the manual it says at least what the minimum and maximum values stand for(haven't found more- what is kind of strange):

For more detailed information submit a ticket under: My Account / Support / Create a Ticket


Threshold (variable) ..............................................................................................................................-40 dBu to +2- dBu

Ratio (variable) ..................................................................................................................................... 1-10 (1:1 to 10:1)

Attack (variable) .......................................................................................................................................... 0.1 to 200 ms

Release (variable) ........................................................................................................................................ 0.05 ms to 3 S

Gain Make Up ........................................................................................................................................ -10 dB to +10 dB

Metering ................................................................................................................... Analog VU (Gain Reduction / Output)
