Questions & Answers

Is there away to print out a list of all the plugins that you have installed for studio one 4?

+2 votes
asked May 31, 2020 in Studio One 4 by mantis7750 (160 points)
Is there away to print out a list of all the plugins that you have installed for studio one 4?

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 27, 2021 by justinshaw1 (320 points)
Upgrading my computer soon, really would like to know if this is possible.  I am absolutely dreading typing out this list by hand.
0 votes
answered Feb 23, 2022 by chudd (220 points)
I have the same issue:

Here's a link to a list of the NATIVE (built in) plugins and instruments installed in 4.5. You can search your file explorer locations in your vst locations setup page under options to find all your 3rd party vst's, and you can even look down your list of programs you've installed on your win 10 uninstall page to catch others you may have installed. Hope it helps some ... I did a support ticket on this and if they give me an answer I'll pass it on ... good luck!
+2 votes
answered Mar 1, 2022 by chudd (220 points)

Found it!

Go To Menu Help > Create Diagnostic Report.   

One of the items is a list of plugins.  

Inside of the zip file that gets created by that function on your PC, the file name will be PluginManagement.csv.

Open the .csv in excel to see and print your complete list of plugins

Hope this helps smiley

0 votes
answered Oct 20, 2023 by joelberry (140 points)
edited Oct 20, 2023 by joelberry
Thanks to chudd -- this was going to be daunting without that list!

0 votes
answered Jan 3 by davemerrill (190 points)
Is there any way to do something equivalent in Studio One v 3?

I'm migrating to a newer computer with newer everything, and this would be really handy.