Questions & Answers

Can you update the Studio One 4 Pattern Editor so it supports Trap style rolls. i.e, Kicks, Hi-Hats and Snares??

+168 votes
asked May 24, 2018 in Patterns by antonioreeves (260 points)
edited May 24, 2018 by antonioreeves
1. You cannot send the individual channels into the piano roll. The issue with that is you cannot adjust the pitch, i.e hi-hats and snare rolls (Trap Style)

2.The Kick drum especially will not properly roll when it re-triggers. The sample does not cut off at a zero crossing point in Impact XT, creating pops. This makes the repeat function basically non functional.

Can  you please try to make this a priority update if possible?

**If you need a reference to what i'm talking about, here is a video from CMP (Craftmaster Productions). Your team should really pay attention to this channel. He by far has the most  influence on Youtube with Studio One videos and related content,  for producers who make Trap/Hip-Hop style songs.   He has a HUGE voice in the community.  A lot of people have started using S1 because of CMP. Myself included!!  If you want to really want to increase your user growth, i would pay attention to him, and listen to his suggestions.

Overall,,, Dope upgrades and we definitely appreciate the hard work you all have put into this new version.

Thank You Very Much!

Much Appreciated!

13 Answers

+21 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by thunderdan (1,340 points)
selected May 24, 2018 by antonioreeves
Best answer
the automate pitch work around wont cut it. we need an option to send a pattern channel to the piano roll to adjust the pitches. People have been installing Bootcamp and Windows on 2000 dollar macbooks for over a decade for THIS FEATURE ALONE. Come on now. We're soooo close
commented Jun 1, 2018 by DominicB (17,160 points)
There's currently a few workflows to achieve this.

1. Copy the lane of the pattern you want to pitch adjust.

2. Create a new Pattern Part and paste into this one.

3. Convert Pattern to Part via right-click menu.

4. Open the new Part to edit in the piano roll. If it opens with Drum Mode, just change the mode to Melodic.

5. You will have to assign a melodic instrument, like Sample One XT, Presence, MaiTai, etc. to have variable pitch across the piano roll.

Check out this quick video using a pitched 808.

+2 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by soulavery (350 points)
I noticed that issue. Someone did a video about it
+12 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by kennyortiz (370 points)
Shout out to CMP....PreSonus stop sleeping on the guy!
+5 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by DominicB (17,160 points)

Thank you for your question. Here are some things to consider:

1. Adjusting the pitch for Trap style rolls depends on the way in which you are using the Pattern Editor.

A. If you are using Impact XT with the Pattern Editor, you can adjust the pitch of a sample (pad) by automating the Pitch parameter of the pad. The Pattern Editor has automation lanes for doing this. Right-Click on the "Pitch" parameter for the pad you want to automate and choose "Edit Pattern Automation "Sample - Transpose"". This creates an automation lane in the Pattern Part where you can change the pitch for ever step by drawing them in with your mouse. This actually works well for variable pitch with trap style rolls. When using Impact XT, each lane represents a pitch in the piano roll, so because it's a drum sampler, pitches are assigned to individual samples.  

B. If you are using a pitched instrument or Sample One XT with a sample mapped across the keyboard, you can use the Melodic Mode of the Pattern Editor to do variable pitch changes in time. For instance, a hi hat mapped in Sample One XT can be sequenced with variable pitches by drawing across the Melodic Mode key range. 

2. The performance of a sample in Impact XT, especially when doing successive triggers as in Trap Style rolls, depends a lot on some key parameters. Experiment with different "Choke" modes, "One Shot" "Normal". Typically a "One Shot" with the choke set to "Self" will restart a re-triggered sample from the beginning NOT in the middle of the sample at a non-zero crossing point as was mentioned in the video. There are also other factors like the actual sample being used that will play into how it sounds when re-triggered very fast as in a Trap style roll. Try adjusting the starting point of the sample from within the Impact XT waveform window. Moving it a couple of samples could make the difference depending on the sample. 

I hope this helps to clear things up. Let us know if you have additional questions. 

+1 vote
answered May 26, 2018 by xyenzfyxion (3,020 points)
@DominicB, are you saying that retriggers always fade or use a Zero-crossing point? I did hear the 'clicks' in CMP's video. If you are saying that it's the sample, then I will have to try for myself. But, I'm still on v3 and wanted to be sure before moving to the upgrade.
+8 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by michaelgabriel4 (460 points)
Check out machine sequencer and FL studio step sequencer..... Presonus. We Almost there
+7 votes
answered Jun 1, 2018 by thunderdan (1,340 points)
Again another 20 hoops to jump through. Let me say it slow. We. Want. To. Be. Able. To. Accomplish. This. With. One. Click. Other daws do it so it’s not impossible. If you don’t care about this style of production and work flow just let it be known so we don’t waste our time hoping for an improvement that may never come.
+7 votes
answered Jun 10, 2018 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
edited Jun 10, 2018 by robertgray3

For anyone confused by this (I was), when people say “send a part to piano roll” “with no automation” what they’re looking at as an end goal is FL Studio’s Step Sequencer.

Differences in FL Studio’s Step sequencer.

- Each lane represents an instrument, not a note

- you can have an instance of a very lightweight sampler on each lane by just dragging a sample into the lane.

- They essentially use automation to automate the “note” of the steps using a graph much like our pattern automation.

- because each lane represents an instrument, you can open an individual lane in the piano roll TEMPORARILY to change the individual notes and then go right back to the Pattern editor view

Here’s a manual that explains it:

Here’s a video of someone using it in the context posted here:

For anybody wondering when we’ll get there, this is pretty different than the current style of the pattern editor so it may not happen quickly. If you make an FR about making the pattern editor more like FL Studio’s then at least they’ll have an idea of the end goal instead of bite sized FRs.

+1 vote
answered Dec 12, 2018 by jorelayer (190 points)
Yes please can we get that?:)
+1 vote
answered Jul 25, 2019 by lilgoony (160 points)


Step 1: Select with quantize you wanna draw on ur piano roll!

Step 2: select which hi-hat part you want to roll!

Step 3: change quantize to 1/16 instead of 1/8!

Step 4: Look at your O and P key press the 0 key above it!



+1 vote
answered Mar 11, 2020 by derylpresberry (1,390 points)

Or I would just use acid pro 10 or 11, or waveform 11. this system make it easy to pitch shift and you don't need midi. 

I don't have FL, but it's not really the workflow to much like reason to me and I'm no sound engineer... 

+2 votes
answered Feb 4, 2022 by bdongeorge1 (250 points)
I think this is single handedly the main issue that has kept studio one from being able to convert thousands of FL studio users. I think If Presonus would implement this as effectively as it can be done in FL then there would be no excuse to stay within FL for their sequencer is their main seller. PLEASE Presonus PLEAASEEE make the sequencer fully featured to support these things!!!!!! You will see many producers move over if executed well!!!  This is the only argument FL people have!
0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2023 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
This is also important for granular editing. Also a loop modulation would be nice in this case.