Questions & Answers

After recent update some plugins are missing

0 votes
asked Jun 6, 2020 in Studio One 4 by konstantinpavlov (270 points)
Hi Presonus Team,

After update today to new S1 Professional I don‘t see in Instruments Tab my VSTs from Air Music Technology: the Riser, Hybrid and Xpand 2, that I legally own. I rescanned all plugins couple of times, deleted and inserted again the path where the are installed. They are installed in X86 folder and I think, they are 32-bit plugins. They worked fine 1 day ago, and today the are not on the Instruments list anymore.

How can I correct this issue? I don’t want to loose those VSTs, that I use very often!

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2020 by konstantinpavlov (270 points)
Forgot to say: I am on windows 10, latest build.
0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2020 by konstantinpavlov (270 points)
How could I actually rollback to the previous version of S1?
0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2020 by fschmidt (6,240 points)
edited Jun 6, 2020 by fschmidt

I just re-installed the older version to roll back -
fortunately I kept the installer and it worked.
The latest update is broken for me:

Many clicks and Pops during stop and play
and when toggling the monitor button.
also my first audio crash...
very bad for the ears. I'm on Win10, too.

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2020 by konstantinpavlov (270 points)
edited Jun 6, 2020 by konstantinpavlov
hi fschmidt, thank you for the answer!

I“m using S1 since Jan. 2020, so it is my second update. Unfortunatly I wasnt so smart like you, so I deleted previous installation files.

Could you please be so kind and upload the 4.6.1 on any public file sharing server and share the link with me?

I would be really great!

I would ask Presonus, but I cannot fimd any support email adresses where I could send a reqiest.