Questions & Answers

Zed mixer interference Quantum inputs

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asked Jun 7, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by keithgoodwin1 (160 points)

I’m not even sure if it’s a ground loop or just something with the usb interface circuits in the mixer seeping into the signal chain, but something in that Zed does not agree with the inputs on the Quantum. It’s not even on, then switched on it’s worse, disconnect power supply altogether slightly quieter, until the leads are disconnected (even with no power) the noise exists. Sure they are unbalanced alt. outs but I’ve tried the Aux outs and the Main Outs with balanced leads and it makes no difference. I’ve swapped all the power supplies around. The TR8s also has an audio interface and it’s clean on its own inputs the groovebox is clean. And there’s nothing wrong with the Quantum 7/8 inputs either. I’ve tested them with everything else. Everything is clean except the mixer? The mixer was fine with the last interface no issues at all. I’ve a feeling this is something to do with the combination of thunderbolt connection to the computer with the 
interface and the Zed onboard circuits. I’m running a brand new Intaaudio i9 9900k 64gb ram, Windows 10. Presonus Thunderbolt 26x32 Connect d via thunderbolt. Latest version of Ableton Live. Everything is bang up to date. I don’t use the usb interface on the Zed so it’s not connected. Thanks for any advice . Keith
