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Wrong take playing back straight after record layers

0 votes
asked Jun 14, 2020 in Studio One 4 by Scardanelli (3,380 points)
Weird one, this has happened a few times and just started happening again now.

Recording vocal takes, and when I play back the latest take, it's playing a take from a completely different part of the song (in the instance just now I'd been working on a verse harmony, moved on to the chorus and it played back the previous verse harmony over the chorus) and even a different track. Too weird to be able to work out what is going on but really annoying. Have to close S1 and re-open to get rid of it, but it happens randomly and no crash so no report. I'll try to track it a bit to see if I can give examples but ahas this happened to anyone else?

Talk about a creative flow breaker!!

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 14, 2020 by Scardanelli (3,380 points)
OK so further investigation it seems to be playing back the previous take each time, and if I close save and shut S1 down and reopen it's gone. This is an absolute nightmare and seriously thinking I have to go back to Logic - completely unworkable a problem like this, cannot rely on what I'm hearing anymore. really annoyed. Utter frustration!
0 votes
answered Jun 14, 2020 by tothrec (32,280 points)
If this was a bug in Studio One we'd all be screaming (and we're not).

I'd say there is a setting you are not aware of or something in your workflow that is causing this behavior.

If you provide detailed track setup and recording steps, I'd be happy to try to reproduce the issue.

asked Jun 14, 2020 in Studio One 4 by Scardanelli (3,380 points) error entry
+1 vote
answered Jun 14, 2020 by Scardanelli (3,380 points)

Hi Steven

I've been using Studio One as my main DAW since 2013. I use Pro Tools, Logic X, and Mixbus 32C but Studio One for recording & comping on a daily basis. I do this for a living - nope, no settings I've "accidentally" changed - and even if that were so - what setting would do such a thing??  a take from a different part of a song playing back over a later segment, AFTER recording a new take, and then magically, after closing and opening S1 again the correct take is played? That is  bug, even if it's just on my system!

To be clear. I recorded a vocal, then did some drop-ins creating two new layers. After recording the two lines of a verse, I moved on to a chorus section, dropped in and recorded there, but when I played back, the previous verse line take was played over this chorus. Not by any stretch  of the imagination can I think of a setting that would allow you to do this, or even think of a reason why anyone would want to do this!

This is not a behaviour I've ever seen in any DAW. It is most unusual and I cannot get my head around how it is happening. All I can say is that this has happened once or twice in the last month and I've not done anything that I don't do on a daily basis with S1.

I've raised a support ticket but tbh I'm not hopeful of a solution if no-one else is experiencing this, and no crash report to examine.

You ask for recording track setup to try and replicate - it's simply 2 audio tracks of acoustic guitar, and one vocal. nothing else. It was a sketch for a project, a simple Metric Halo Channel strip in each audio track slot, Valhalla Verb in an aux, and that's it. Hardly a complex setup! I cannot remember the setup the last time it happened but as I was working on a large album project of a client, with the vocalist and guitarist overdubbing, it was a pretty big setup - we were tearing our hair out trying to figure it out. Gave up trying, and the issue stopped the next day session. Peculiar, you bet!

0 votes
answered Aug 25, 2023 by mikematuszak (140 points)
I just experienced this with version 6 on professional, which I just upgraded to from artist. I had a vocal recorded days ago. Today I went to record over it, I saw the waveform of the new vocal, but the playback was the previous/existing vocal. My configuration is for 'replace'.   I have been using artist for a couple years, never had this issue. I don't know if that's related or not.

But the OP's issue sounds like what I just experienced.