Questions & Answers

Import to Track and MUTE

+1 vote
asked Jun 14, 2020 in Mixing by martinhughes (1,650 points)
recategorized Jan 3, 2021 by martinhughes
Great that I can import a mix as a track using the 'import to track' function. But then I always forget that I've done it, and wonder why everything's twice as loud as it should be, and the faders don't work properly! Would love the option for the import to be automatically muted (idelly the import even, not just the track mute button.)

Amazed that this question hasn't been asked before, and apologies if it has cos I sure couldn't find it!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 14, 2020 by tothrec (32,310 points)
Where is this "Import to Track" function?  I don't see it in Macros, or in the Song or Track menus.

Could you describe your workflow and what it is you are trying to accomplish when you import something and say you don't want to hear it?

+1 vote
answered Jun 14, 2020 by martinhughes (1,650 points)
It's an option on the 'Song / Export Mixdown' page. Unchecked, the mixdown is exported into the mixdowns folder. Checked, the mixdown is also re-imported as a track into the project (and, significantly, in sync). I find this useful when returning to old projects I haven't worked on for some time. Firstly everything is stored in one place, secondly I can immediately compare any adjustments I make to my previous mix(es).
0 votes
answered Apr 4, 2022 by erikaanonsen (2,420 points)
I'd REALLY like to see this implemented!