Questions & Answers

Guitar Rig 5 does not show up under instruments

+1 vote
asked Jun 15, 2020 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by erichathaway (140 points)
edited Jun 16, 2020 by erichathaway
I recently bought a native instruments audio interface and guitar rig 5 pro came free with it. I cannot find it under instruments even though I have already added the correct file location for third party plug-ins. Other native instruments vst files were able to be used.

Thank you.

Edit: This issue is resolved, Guitar rig shows up underneath effects, not instruments. My bad.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 15, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,390 points)
Can you open Guitar Rig standalone? Make sure you've installed and activated it correctly and can open it standalone first.