Questions & Answers

How am I supposed to add Guitar Rig 5 in my Instruments or Effects list ?

0 votes
asked Oct 21, 2020 in Studio One 5 by victorberthault (150 points)

I'm an absolute beginner on recording/mixing softwares.
I just want to know how am I supposed to use Guitar Rig 5 with Studio One 5 Artist ? I can't find an answer anywhere (I'm french and I can't understand the complicated studio language in English...)

Does it has to do with the 3rd party plug-in ? I downloaded it but I haven't been able to install it on the software...

Thank you !

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 21, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
If you installed Guitar Rig into a standard VST plugin folder that is already searched by Studio One, you just need to click the checkbox to re-scan plugins at startup in the VST locations configuration menu.  If Guitar Rig is not installed into a standard VST folder, you will need to add the Guitar Rig installation folder to the VST locations configuration in Studio One, then re-scan plugins at start up.