Questions & Answers

PreSonus audiobox USB disables sounds after i wake up my windows 10 PC

+3 votes
asked Jun 27, 2020 in AudioBox USB by ricardobribiescas (270 points)
edited Jun 27, 2020 by ricardobribiescas
As the title says everytime i put my PC with windows 10 to sleep i lose sound after i wake it up. This didnt happened before i updated the universal control app two days ago and started to happen.

how can i fix it or what is going on.

I have tried starting and stopping  windows audio

i have tried disabling allow to turn computer off this device to save power under device manager for the usb root hub

the only thing that fixes this is restarting the PC which defeats the purpose of the sleep mode

Also what fixes it is disconnecting the usb cable and reconnecting which is totally  dumb

10 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 27, 2020 by chrisgreaves1 (140 points)
Sorry l have no answer. Just replying because mine is doing exactly the same. Help.
0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2020 by ricardobribiescas (270 points)
no one really?
0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2020 by stphanelvesque (140 points)
Same problem here.

When my PC goes to silent mode, the sound card stops working. It was doing this with my old PC and I just got another one. Same problem. This is very annoying, I'm thinking about changing sound card.
0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2020 by hoss33 (140 points)
Same on my Mac :(
+1 vote
answered Nov 5, 2020 by greeboid (160 points)
Mine too.
I have to remove the USB lead and put it back to successfully restart the interface.
It has only done this since the last driver update.
Windows 10,
Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.610)
Presonus Audiobox USB Driver version is
There is no way to roll it back.
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2020 by stewartgable (240 points)
I've been having to unplug/replug my USB for last 2-3 months to get it to work...
0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2020 by xavierfleming (140 points)
I have a relatively old audio box.  Icam having the same issue.   Planned obsolescence?
0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2021 by ricardobribiescas (270 points)
Wow I updated the card again to the latest and is doing the same thing really what should I do really only thing to do is change card????
0 votes
answered Feb 16, 2021 by ricardobribiescas (270 points)

I talking to support they trying to say my PC is the issue, how is it possible that i rollback to a previous version and no issues... this is a firmware update issue not my pc.

if you want to rollback uninstall the current universal control

then go here click show and hide all versions and select the one from october 2019

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2022 by alexiuslauzon (170 points)
Been having the same issue, and prior driver update unplugging and replugging the device would work. Otherwise PreSonus looks to take a blind eye on this driver/dac issue. Idk it seems that only PreSonus devices have weird compatibility issues to certain systems and seem unwilling to resolve it. Idk I guess we can continue to restart our PC's till we can buy alternative working brands or PreSonus actually solves the diver compatibility problem.