Questions & Answers

Middle mouse click

+3 votes
asked Jun 30, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by milosmarkovic (160 points)

I had  Studio one 4.60.55605  on my laptop and desktop, and from December 2019 middle mouse click worked as in Cubase. So it was easy to drag trough project simply by holding the middle mouse button.

After update to 4.61 on my desktop it still worked fine until final Studio One 4.62 update. Now with this new update , instead of dragging trough the project i have tools opening and it is so annoying.I tried to uninstall several times, deleted all the files from windows regarding studio one, settings,user ,app data , roaming. I then installed old  version (4.60.55605) that I have on my laptop  but still on my desktop I have middle click opening tools instead of dragging tool that I have on my laptop.

I tried also to copy settings  from laptop folders to desktop but still cant fix this issue.Now I don't know is this due to the version of studio one or is it some settings inside studio one .

Please help me restore settings for middle mouse cause it worked for 6 months fine.I am sure that it s not that hard to fix this. Thank you very much.

audio engineer

Mr. Markovic Milos