Questions & Answers

Show / Hide tracks Macro

+6 votes
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Studio One 5 by markelvin (240 points)

I know its been asked before,  but do we now have a Macro to show / hide tracks based on criteria i e the track has data (midi, audio). A further improvement could be show / hide based on if track muted, track enabled.

Show / hide tracks based tracks with data in  looprange or at cursor location.

Can any of this be done in studio 1 five?

Ive come from cubase 10.5 pro to Studio 1 and was really hoping to make up the above macros.

Many thanks


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 20, 2020 by jeradatherton (910 points)
This feature is really important to add to S1!!! I would use this ALL THE TIME.