Questions & Answers

how do i activate my copy of Sphere Studio One 5 ...where do I "enter the product key and your email address"?

0 votes
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Studio One+ by jamesduffy7 (560 points)
how do i activate my copy of Sphere Studio One 5 ...where do I  "enter the product key and your email address"?

8 Answers

0 votes
0 votes
answered Jul 9, 2020 by nunopinheiro (140 points)
I have no idea, but this is starting to p..s me off!!! When i try to log into Presonus Sphere it keeps asking me for the Product Key that i don't have on any of my Emails...
+12 votes
answered Jul 9, 2020 by jamesduffy7 (560 points)

So, once again, Reddit comes to the rescue (PreSonus, that's just sad!)....

I made a post on Reddit, got this response and it worked for me. See below:

Hello! I had the exact same problem yesterday and I’m happy so say I found the solution. For some reason, on a Mac, when you click ‘activate’ it doesn’t automatically generate the file path and folders to install the license key and files etc. Hence why nothing happens. You need to manually create the path as follows: click on your hard drive icon, then ... Users, Shared, Library, Application Support, then create a new folder called Presonus, open this folder and create another called Presonus Sphere and try activating again. This worked for me right away. Fingers crossed!

+2 votes
answered Jul 9, 2020 by markgreiner (2,500 points)

"You need to manually create the path as follows: click on your hard drive icon, then ... Users, Shared, Library, Application Support, then create a new folder called Presonus, open this folder and create another called Presonus Sphere and try activating again."

Yep, that worked for me.  In my case, I didn't have the "Application Support" folder.  I had to add all of the following:   

...Application Support/Presonus/Presonus Sphere

Why can't Presonus figure this out?

0 votes
answered Jul 10, 2020 by brettgo (560 points)
open your host file on Mac - finder - go - go to folder - /private/etc/hosts

Open with text edit and make duplicate. Move original to desktop.

Any reference to Presonus on hosts file DELETE!!

Put this duplicate bacl into folder and rename hosts

Open Studio One et voila!! It WILL activate!!
0 votes
answered Jul 16, 2020 by glenmcafee (140 points)
Also looking for a solution on my Mac. Tried recommendations from reddit and others: I have no hosts entries; I have manually added a Presonus Sphere directory to my application files. nothing worked. I had zero issues installing/activating on my Windows 10 system. Where is the MacOS support?
0 votes
answered Sep 8, 2020 by Wisku (140 points)
~/Library/Application Support/PreSonus/PreSonus Sphere/
+2 votes
answered Sep 16, 2020 by evanmeaux (230 points)
How do you do this on Windows? Very confused...