Questions & Answers

how long do i wait until studio one 5 pro back , keep getting "this user has no subscription product to activate"

+1 vote
asked Aug 18, 2020 in Studio One+ by audiovirusrecordings (160 points)
my credit card details expired i didnt notice my bad, subsription bounced back , studio one 5 went offline , i have added new details and u have taken subscription money. but studio one 5 not working , do i have to wait for 3 days for it to work again ? when i log into sphere it says my subsription is active ....please help i cant work without studio one


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 21, 2020 by johnblais2 (2,140 points)
selected Aug 25, 2020 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
Hi Gareth,

I am sorry you are having issues getting Studio One 5 to work with Sphere, do you have an existing support ticket? If not, can you submit a ticket and I'll be happy to make sure it is taken care of as soon as possible.

