Questions & Answers

I have Windows 8.1 and I bought Studio One 5 and ask them to install only for Windows 10?

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by gauzde (150 points)
There is an installation for Windows 8.1 and the only option is to upgrade to Windows 10.

1 Answer

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answered Jul 10, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer

Windows 10 (64-Bit) is the only supported version of Windows for Studio One 5 (and Universal Control 3.3.0) as of these releases. 

Make sure to check the tech specs page here:

Tech Spec's for Universal Control are listed under each of the download pages for each product. 

To be more specific, the minimum version of Windows 10 (64-Bit) is version 1709 or later. 
