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Studio One 4 | Antares 8.1 | Windows 10 | Not functioning

+2 votes
asked Mar 8, 2019 in Studio One 4 by johngaray (190 points)
I am running windows 10,

Antares Auto-tune 8.1.1 VST3 does not work in studio one 4 unless I run Studio one 4 in compatibility mode windows 8. The VST3 shows up in the browser window, but when I try to drag it to a track, nothing happens. If i create a track and try to insert it, nothing happens.

The issue is running Studio One 4 in windows 8 compatibility mode compromises other VST's. Mainly Omnisphere. Omnisphere when launched within Studio One 4 while being run in compatibility mode windows 8 has sever lag. When I run Studio One 4 in windows 10, without compatibility windows 8 active. Omnisphere runs perfectly, but my Auto-tune vst3 does not function.

I have another machine running windows 7 professional and studio one 4 runs antares auto-tune 8.1.1 vst3 perfectly with no issues.

This narrows the issue down to Studio One 4 and its functionality within windows 10. Is their a known issue/bug?

Thank you

John G. Garay

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 5, 2019 by davidrose5 (150 points)
Please, hopefully this can be fixed soon with an update.
0 votes
answered Aug 27, 2019 by tenzindhondup (140 points)
I have the same problem and I couldn't fix it.
0 votes
answered Nov 6, 2019 by johngaray (190 points)
So I was working a client, and I needed a quick vocal fx chain. I opened the stock fx chain for vocals called dreamy.  Then I accidentally added autotune 8.1.1 and WTF, it toally worked.

load up a clean audio track, throw on a vocal fx chain from Presonus and then add autotune. it should work. not sure why it won't work without the fx chain, but this allows me to use autotune with no issue.

Any thoughts PRESONUS?
0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2019 by keenanlaurino1 (220 points)
edited Dec 19, 2019 by keenanlaurino1

Right click on Studio One 4.exe - Properties - go to Compatibility - change it so it runs for Windows 8. 

That should fix it for you!

EDIT: Sorry, just caught EVERYTHING you said. Hopefully they can fix that :/
