Questions & Answers

Where can I get drivers for my audio device?

+2 votes
asked Apr 28, 2015 in AudioBox USB by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Where can I get drivers for my audio device?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 28, 2015 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

If you need to download a driver for your PreSonus hardware; the most current release, beta[if you are on a Beta] and legacy drivers are available on our website via your PreSonus User Account []. They are located by logging into your PreSonus Account, selecting the "My Products" link at the top of the page, and selecting the corresponding hardware you have registered in your account.

You may also find your product driver(s) here:

The most current drivers will be listed at the top of the downloads page, followed by older legacy versions of the driver; if needed.

Please read the section for your device very carefully to ensure that you download and install the correct driver for your correct hardware and operating system. Also take note of any additional release notes. It is a good idea to download them as well as read them. They may contain important information enclosed about your device, issues you may be experiencing as well as certain specifics data based on what operating system you may be using.
