Questions & Answers

Windows Apps Scaling For VST's On High Resolution Monitors

+16 votes
asked Jul 11, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by alexbeller1 (240 points)

I would really like to see VST's being scaled correctly in Studio One 5 . I have a 3840x1600 monitor and all my virtual instrument plugins are so small it hurts my eyes to read the text.

I use cubase as well because it scales things correctly. I have my scaling set to 150% in windows display settings.

Please could you update Studio One to have this feature?!!

Thank you :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2020 by manuelmipp (180 points)

You must set Windows HIDPI setting by going to "c:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 5\", or wherever you installed Studio One 5, and right click to bring up the Studio One.exe program properties. Then go to the compatibility tab. Change settings as below.
