Questions & Answers

Will There Be A Student Priced Version of Sphere!

+1 vote
asked Jul 14, 2020 in Studio One+ by samcalhoon (290 points)
I would love to see a student discount for Sphere! There are tons of students (myself included) who could benefit greatly from a lower priced membership. College tuition or or general student costs mixed with COVID unemployment, etc. makes Sphere a little out of reach for those who hope to use its Notion, S1, and PreSonus plugins for furthering their education.

2 Answers

–3 votes
answered Jul 14, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer
Sphere is already priced very low, $14.95 per month is very low price for all that is offered.

When we release Studio One 5 Prime (coming soon) which is free, you'll be able to use that until you can afford getting into Sphere.

We do offer site licenses for schools and universities interested in wider adoption for their students, have your institution contact our sales team for more information.
+4 votes
answered Jul 14, 2020 by samcalhoon (290 points)
I'm a SO4 Pro user right now. Yes, there is a lot offered in the new upgrade, and I truly appreciate it! Notion is really intriguing to me, as is having all of PreSonus' plugins. This can be said for anybody really, but $180 a year is still a lot for students, which adds up quickly over multiple years, especially for college students and others. Beyond that, not all educational institutions are willing to invest money into music programs, so school licenses won't work for all. If you offer student discounts on S1, then why not on everything else? Having a smaller price point for students could be a huge selling point.
