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I have a solution to slow save problem

+2 votes
asked Jul 15, 2020 in Studio One 5 by arthurzatarain (1,730 points)
For 7 months I’ve been fighting (with polite assistance from Presonus) an awful problem with Studio One requiring 2 to 6 minutes to save a song. S1 would work fine for a while, maybe an hour, and then go into slow save mode. S1 was totally non responsive during the save, I couldn’t even stop the transport. CPU load was normal, memory was plenty, zero disk activity until the last moment of the save. The save dialog box ticked away slowly with seemingly endless messages about Packaging and Saving every aspect of every track, plugin, etc. The slow save problem started with S1 4.5, got worse with 4.6, and in version 5 was almost constant. My songs are small, typically 1Gb, with less than 30 tracks  

The constant problem in version 5 provided opportunity to find a fix and, based on a long day if song editing, I think I figured it out.  On my Dell Precision 7510 32Gb notebook with Win 10, the problem seems related to the high performance graphics processor. I didn’t believe it either! But the evidence is clear: the high performance GPU is a problem for S1.

At first I disabled the AMD FirePro display adapter in device manger. Problem went away!  I re-enabled the display adapter but configured Windows to assign S1 to only use the low power, integrated display adapter (Intel in my computer). Problem didn’t return. I then set windows to let S1 use the AMD FirePro high performance GPU display adapter and the problem returned in 10 minutes. I set S1 back to use only the Intel adapter and the problem went away.

I also noticed that the computer fan doesn’t run nearly as fast (and loud) as before.  The CPU load isn’t any different, so the fan must have been the one on the GPU. My computer fan noise is barely noticeable now.  

Maybe I lucked out and fooled myself, but I think S1 has a problem (at least for me) when the high performance GPU is used. If you have odd problems of any type try disabling the secondary GPU. It seems to have worked for me.

7 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 26, 2021 by arthurzatarain (1,730 points)
Best answer
I first learned of the potential problem with graphic acceleration cards/software via an old post about the problem on a Mac. Although I use a Dell windows computer I tried disabling the AMD graphics card and the problem went away immediately, If I re-enable the advanced graphics card the problem returns after a short time. So even if you are using a Mac try doing whatever a Mac requires to not allow the advanced graphics card to be used with Studio One.
0 votes
answered May 6, 2021 by arthurzatarain (1,730 points)
Update May 5, 2021: After seeing notices about improved support for graphic hardware acceleration I decided to once again enable it for Studio One on my Dell Precision 7510. The system worked OK for an hour or so before the "slow save" problem popped up just as it has been doing since sometime in the mid 4 versions. I disabled the high performance graphic support and the problem went away. So maybe it's just my system, but I am 100% convinced that Studio One V 5.2.1 still has a bad relationship with high performance graphics on my system.
0 votes
answered May 26, 2021 by alexandruoprisan1 (250 points)
I am also fighting with this save problem. It started with 5-6 mins save times but it grew to a median of 20 minutes per save which is impossible to use and have a stable workflow or clients, and now I've hit a new record with a 40 mins save. I have a Macbook pro 2015 and some busy projects, but even if I export my tracks and make a new project with only wavs and plugins I get the abominable save times. I am so frustrated that I bought S1 and not Logic...
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2022 by petrzikmund (1,380 points)
Same problems, PC, 11th Gen Intel (R) Core (TM) i9-11900KF @ 3.50GHz, 64GB RAM, Samsung EVO PRO SSD, NVIDIA  GEFORCE GT 1030, New W10 and vS1 5.4.1 installation.
0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2022 by marcusgauntlett (140 points)
Same problem
0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2022 by slylarock (250 points)
edited Apr 11, 2022 by slylarock

Same problems, basically same specs as previous post: 12th Gen Intel (R) Core (TM) i9-12900K, 32GB RAM, Samsung EVO PRO SSD, NVIDIA GEFORCE GT 1030, Brand new W10 and S1 latest version. 

EDIT:  Disabling GPU's did nothing for me. But after multiple tests, it seems like disabling the ethernet adapter prevents this issue from happening. Could it be that S1 automatically attempts to connect to cloud services (Sphere)? periodically in the background, with our without a membership.  I've re-tested numerous times and was not able to replicate the issue when using "File/Save" or "Ctrl-S" after NIC adapter has been disabled. 

Would be great If someone else could test this to see if they can replicate on their system. 



0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2023 by jebeatz (280 points)

It was taking 1-2 minutes each time to save songs. unchecking the "Track / Channel names follow active layer" in Preferences>advanced tab>editing tab made saves only take 1 second!
