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Slow midi - used to be fine, but now playing midi keyboard into MacPro via Q2 is intermittent, jumpy and cannot keep up.

+2 votes
asked Feb 9, 2022 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by stevewelch (140 points)
Really stuck on a slow midi problem.  I can no longer play midi into LPX via my PreSonus Quantum 2 and expect it to keep up. Notes are dropped, play at random intervals after I press a key. Just unusable.

This is on a 12-Core 64Gb MacPro, I've been through all the possible steps to optimise the computer; I have deleted and re-installed the PreSonus drivers, and I have epxerimented with every buffer size from 32 samples to 512 samples, with and without low latency mode. No difference is made by any of this. Used to work just fine, and my my Alesis QX49 - connected via USB - works just fine.

I can only conclude that there's something between Monterey 12.2 and Logic and Presonus that is no longer playing nice.

I would be extremely grateful for any other things to try - I'm on a deadline for a project and I need my 88 key keyboard for it!

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 13, 2022 by michaelamann (310 points)
I have the same issue. I wish I had never updated my firmware. When you see a firmware update you *think* the people that work on it have tested it and aren't using customers as unpaid beta testers. It has completely RUINED my playing experience, whether I'm using Kontankt, Omnisphere or whatever, it doesn't trigger properly. I have to say one thing for old fashioned hardware keyboards, at least THEY WORK and aren't screwed up by some worthless flunky programming team ******** out a fraudulent update disquised as firmware. Now any time I see a firmware update I have to put my adult diapers on. I'm not going to upgrade anything anymore unless I'm absolutely forced to. It's not worth it.
+1 vote
answered Mar 25, 2022 by jonathanjones8 (160 points)
Must be the firmware as I’m in Big Sur and having the same problem - Quantum 2 midi in to LPX. I was tearing my hair out thinking it was my ‘new’ technics WSA1 which I’ve pressed into service as a master keyboard. I mean it couldn’t be the lowest latency, state of the art audio interface, right? Anyway, turns out it is as the problem went away when I connected via my ESI usb midi interface. Not a biggie for me as I have plenty of spare midi but a bumper for those working with just the Quantum.
0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2022 by sethgraves (170 points)
I have the same issue upon updating to Firmware 1.3-95. Wish I hadn't updated. MIDI lags and it makes my 88 key controller unplayable. Hoping I can downgrade the firmware. Going to contact support.