Questions & Answers

Set initial MIDI program change for External Instrument in Show Page

+1 vote
asked Jul 20, 2020 in Studio One 5 by carlchimi (770 points)
I know it's not possible yet to send a series of MIDI Commands along a song timeline with the Show Page.  It should be, as there is no way to really run a show with patch changes, etc, without this feature.

But I've seen it implied that it is at least possible to set up an initial program change for an external instrument within the show page.  Is this correct?  If so, how is it done?  I know how to do it within a song I am editing, and even how to set up a track in which I can create a "list" of MIDI Commands along the song's timeline.  But neither skill seems to translate to the Show Page.

Any help will be appreciated.  
