Questions & Answers

Why my saved project are disappering?

0 votes
asked Jul 25, 2020 in Studio One 5 by golanbashari (180 points)
edited Jul 26, 2020 by golanbashari

intel core i7 4770

8GB ram

windows 10 x64

 Studio One 5 Artist

Focusright scarlett solo- 2'nd gen

I'm new to studio one, I save my project (just one guitar part), i saw that the project is saved, closed studio one and opened it again and.. it's gone. i tried several times. before I close studio one the "song" file is there but after studio one restarts it's disapper. if i try to press on "open project" immediately after i saved it and the file is still there' studio one crashes (it crashes a lot regardless, mabe I have something wrong on my settings and mabe it's related to the saving problem, but i can't figure out what).

please exuse my english, it's not my native language. and thank's for the help

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 26, 2020 by KoreyCreative (2,070 points)
I would check 2 things. One if you have event view, check your drive (HDD) for any errors. If you don't, just use any Hard drive scan to see if it's failing.

Second, i would move your user date to see if that helps you gain the ability to save. Studio One - Options - User Data. You just click the 3 little dots on the right to change.

Anything else to try i would know. Hope you get it working.