Questions & Answers

Why can't I hear a song saved as an MP3 that's playedon my computer? Does Studio One save to MP3 in some odd way?

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asked Dec 23, 2021 in Studio One 5 by edwardsmith24 (120 points)
I recorded my guitar picking song, saved it as an MP3 file on my desktop and emailed to a friend. When I click on the MP3 file that I emailed, I can barely hear it even with all of the computer volume settings at maximum. Did I record it with a setting wrong, and if so, which one?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 29, 2021 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
It would depend on whe the main fader looks like during playback in S1. Are you track levels in the mixer around -12-6db with the main around 0 to -3db. Without any other info I would say to add a Maximizer, or Limiter and increase the volume on the main channel and after increasing the volume a lot export again just to see if it's a mixing levels issue or not. FYI I've never had this problem with MP3s from S1, so unfortuneately that's really the only idea I have.